The Fastest Way to Obtain Turkish Citizenship

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Turkey is the mother country that embraces all nationalities and paves the way for stability in its territory, and provides great facilities for granting Turkish citizenship to these foreign nationalities. Turkish citizenship is a target for many people, and the demand for it is increasing periodically, because of the great advantages that this citizenship offers and the other advantages that Turkey adds to its holders. Therefore, people have resorted to many means and methods in order to try to obtain citizenship.

:Many ways to obtain Turkish citizenship

Obtaining Turkish citizenship has become a very important matter, especially in the past few years, and the demand for it has become from all nationalities, who faced many options to obtain it. The difference between these options was the speed of obtaining and not waiting for a long time until citizenship was granted to applicants. There were many methods in this field, and the best of them were:

:Real Estate Investment

Turkey has abundant options in its real estate of type, price and importance, and it has many advantages at all levels, and one of the most important advantages it enjoys is the possibility of obtaining Turkish citizenship by buying a property in Turkey, so real estate investment is the best and fastest way to obtain Turkish citizenship. Therefore, real estate investment is the best and fastest way to obtain Turkish citizenship. Real estate investment in Turkey is done with many options through the processes of buying, selling, leasing, mortgage and other investment methods. The investor buys a property before he invests it and he can obtain Turkish citizenship through this property, but with the presence of several conditions that must be present in the property, and these conditions are a basic reason for granting citizenship, and without them, it will not be obtained for investors. These conditions are:

1- That the price of this property is not less than 400,000 US dollars, and this amount is determined by a constitutional law issued by the government, and this amount may increase or decrease from time to time. Therefore, the investor must be aware of the laws concerned with the price of the property necessary to obtain Turkish citizenship.

2-The property shall not be sold for a period of no less than three years from the date of purchase, in order to ensure the presence of the investor in Turkey during this period. This decision may change from time to time, but it has witnessed stability in recent years.

Establishing a huge business in Turkey :

This method is also considered one of the quick ways in the process of obtaining Turkish citizenship, and this method is attracted to large capitalists who want to establish new businesses in Turkey, either in the field of industry or trade, or the owners of pre-industrial and commercial establishments, who increase them and apply all the conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship by establishing a job in Turkey and the reason behind their search for citizenship was to enjoy its advantages that pertain to the economic and industrial field, which affects their work and its benefits.

The government has set a main condition for the owners of these establishments in order to grant them the advantages of a new citizenship, and this condition is:

Employing a number of at least fifty Turkish employees in this facility, meaning that your factory contains a full staff of Turkish employees, then the employer can obtain Turkish citizenship after he affirms the sincerity of his intention to settle in Turkey is proven, and this decision was facilitated by the government after the condition was that 100 Turkish employees be employed in the work established by the foreigner.

Marriage to a Turkish citizen :

In this process, the man marries a Turkish girl or the foreign girl marries a Turkish man until they are granted the Turkish citizenship that all people are looking for so that they can enjoy the advantages available in the territory of Turkey. Therefore, this method has become very common, but the Turkish government has placed conditions on the intended marriage process. Including granting citizenship to the other party, and these conditions were that the husband respects his Turkish citizen wife and provides her with all her rights, and that the marriage is not based on the idea of ​​obtaining citizenship only, but in order to build a family and have children and other lofty goals, and thus the government guarantees the foreigner to build a happy family in good living conditions that enable him to practice his life and does not make him think of leaving the land of Turkey.

Bank deposit :

Bank deposits are considered one of the most important methods for obtaining Turkish citizenship, by depositing an amount in the banks of Turkey, with the condition that a certain period of time passes over its deposit. Also, it is required that the value of the amount be not less than 500 thousand US dollars, and it is stipulated that the money be in foreign currency, then the depositor can obtain this citizenship if he fulfills all the necessary conditions and then he can enjoy the advantages of a Turkish citizen or a recent holder of citizenship through which he can obtain There are other advantages that many people dream of and want to achieve.

Naturalization :

Naturalization is a new method in the Turkish government through which Turkish citizenship is granted to those who have completed five years on the territory of Turkey, provided that their residence is legal and permitted by the Turkish government, especially in the case of migrants fleeing from their home countries, which suffer from internal and external wars, conflicts, famines and other humanitarian issues.

These are the fastest and most secure ways in the process of obtaining Turkish citizenship. Therefore, these methods are followed by a large number of those who want to obtain citizenship and want to enjoy its advantages.

General conditions for granting Turkish citizenship as soon as possible :

The Turkish government sets several conditions in order to ensure the safety and security of Turkish citizens and the safety of Turkish society and the customs and traditions followed in it, and these conditions are general conditions that apply to all methods of obtaining citizenship and the special conditions are conditions specific to each method separately, as we mentioned and among these general conditions:

-The person is free from insidious, communicable and contagious diseases that afflict peoples, especially after what the countries of the world have suffered with the Corona pandemic, which killed the lives of large numbers of people and made the world in a tragic state, in order to maintain the health and safety of the community.

-The person requesting citizenship is free from legal claims, i.e. the cleanliness of his legal file from the legal provisions in Turkey or in his home country, and thus the legal cleanliness of this person and the preservation of the safety, security and stability of the country, which makes the stability of this country always stable and keeps Turkish society among the first to attract attention around the world.

-The person applying for citizenship should be fluent in the Turkish language in an average manner, and professionalism is not required because of the little difficulty of pronouncing it , but he must be able to meet his needs without assistance, and that his language should help him in communicating with people and help him in the speed of mixing with the Turkish people, and that mixing with the Turks so that a person can easily continue his work and studies.

-That this person or Turkish citizen maintain public facilities and a sense of responsibility towards the infrastructure, service centers and facilities provided by the Turkish government and maintain everything related to public matters in the country as well as a sense of responsibility towards the tourist attractions visited by Turkish citizens.

-The person submits all the necessary documents for the process of granting Turkish citizenship, and the government guarantees access to all the data related to this person that you may need in emergency situations.

-That the person who wants Turkish citizenship carries the values ​​and principles of the Turkish people and his commitment to the customs and traditions followed in Turkish society, which is the main gateway to mixing with the Turkish people and share them what they feel.

Advantages of obtaining Turkish citizenship quickly :

With regard to the advantages enjoyed by a person with Turkish citizenship or the rights enjoyed by a Turkish citizen, they are many and important and are represented in several items that define the Turkish citizen’s rights and achieve his dreams:

-Enjoying the beauty of the terrain and nature of Turkey:

Turkey is famous for being God’s paradise on earth, and it is one of the most beautiful and best countries in the world and its richest in natural ingredients that attract attention and investors from all sides. Turkey is also famous for its beautiful terrain and wonderful atmosphere. This is considered one of the most important goals that those looking for Turkish citizenship set in mind, especially if they are interested in tourism and visit. Through Turkish citizenship, they can visit all cities and regions of Turkey without limitations, the most important of which is Istanbul, which is the first destination for tourism and natural ingredients in Turkey, and the most important natural elements in Turkey are:

The Bosphorus Strait, which is located in the European city of Istanbul, connects the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Marmara, and is considered a significant commercial front in Turkey.

The forests on the Asian side of Istanbul, which is the center of green food in the city and has a great importance as well in the world of acting, so that parts of the film Arterl Resurrection were filmed among its trees, which witness great diversity and exciting difference.

The northern beaches in northern Turkey, which people from all sides go to in order to spend their holidays, especially in the summer, where these beaches witness a large movement by tourists and Turkish citizens, and therefore they are one of the goals that applicants for Turkish citizenship want to achieve

Public parks and valleys surrounding the rivers, which have witnessed great demand in recent years due to the Turkish government’s interest in cleaning and developing them, so people constantly come to recreation, practice a quiet and simple life, and spend beautiful times with the family.

-Visiting historical places in Turkey :

Those who obtain Turkish citizenship can visit all the historical places in Turkey, which narrate long conversations about the history of this country, as well as enjoy exploring the ancient civilizations that lived on the land of Turkey. Among the most important historical elements in Turkey are:

Museums: Turkey is famous for the presence of several museums scattered in each city of Turkey, so these museums are very popular in the context of historical visits and in the world of tourism. Museums are spread in several cities of Turkey such as Istanbul, Ankara and other cities and the museums are famous for their large area, multiplicity of sections, and containing different types of artifacts, as well as containing sections in which artifacts specific to the ancient civilizations that were established on their land.

Palaces and castles: These historical places are found in every city of Turkey and have great importance in the world of tourism, especially as they have a great importance in the art of urban designs and decorations in the world. The most important areas that contain these palaces and castles is the Sultanahmet area in Istanbul, and these landmarks are of the goals of obtaining Turkish citizenship and is the most important advantage that a Turkish citizen can enjoy.

Mosques: There is great respect for religious freedom in Turkey, and the same respect has been for Islam from ancient times to the present day. This is why we find in Turkey a good number of mosques and religious shrines. Mosques had a great place in ancient times. This was evident through the great attention they received in terms of space, the large and enormity of the construction and the many materials used in construction, in addition to the urban designs that adorned the walls of mosques, as well as the beautiful shapes of the domes of these mosques.

Recent projects:

Despite moving away from historical places and ancient history, these modern projects are considered equally important, because they will make Turkey enter into a comprehensive development shift at all levels and in all fields. Among these modern projects that are being worked on is the new Istanbul Airport, which will contain huge areas and have great advantages in the world of tourism and will be ready to receive millions of tourists, as well as the New Istanbul Canal project, which keeps pace with developments in the Bosphorus Strait, and will be the first waterfront in Turkey. These projects are of great importance in attracting attention to Turkish citizenship and obtaining it.

Enjoying the Turkish passport :

The Turkish passport is considered a supplement to Turkish citizenship. This passport allows you to travel freely between all cities and regions of Turkey, and also allows travel to more than 120 diverse countries; Europe, Asia and other continents. It is considered the most important goals that people seek to achieve by obtaining Turkish citizenship.

Living in safety and security :

Turkish citizenship allows you to live in the land of Turkey, which enjoys security, safety, political and economic stability, and allows you to mix with the Turkish people and share customs and traditions with them, especially for those fleeing war, conflicts and famines that their country is fed up with, and this is what forced them to go to Turkey to obtain citizenship there.

Obtaining the rights of a Turkish citizen :

The holder of Turkish citizenship can enjoy the rights provided by the Turkish government to its people, and these rights are equality, justice and freedom to choose parties, religions and political orientations, as well as the right to education, work, and active participation in political elections related to government councils, ministerial councils, presidential elections and many more rights that the enjoys Turkish citizens enjoy, which have become a target for anyone who does not enjoy these rights and turns to Turkish citizenship to achieve his goals and return his stolen rights.

Building a family properly :

Building a family and raising children properly is the most important goal of any family leader. Therefore, large numbers of people fled from the despicable and open societies to Turkey and obtained Turkish citizenship in order to teach their children values ​​and morals in a conservative society that allows this, and the Turkish society has been good over the years. Turkish society that sowed the seeds of love and affection between its sons and its citizens.

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