With the many advantages offered by real estate in Turkey, many foreigners around the world are seriously considering searching for real estate for sale in this country, especially investors, as the many facilities offered by the Turkish government caught their attention.
The question here is, can a foreigner own what he wants from real estate in Turkey? What conditions must be adhered to?
In this article, we provide you with all the details related to foreigners buying real estate in Turkey and we will highlight the most important reasons that encourage this.
We wish you a useful and enjoyable reading.
Before we get to the heart of the matter, it must be noted that in 2012, Turkey abolished the law of reciprocity, and all foreigners in the world could buy real estate in Turkey, except for only five nationalities, for many reasons that we will mention later.
The following are the nationalities that are entitled to own real estate in Turkey under specific conditions:
1 – Iranians can buy real estate in Turkey if they are not among the persons banned by the United Nations and after they have obtained approval from the Ministry of Interior.
2 – Russians can buy real estate in Turkey, but provided that it is not located on the Black Sea coast and after obtaining permission from the Ministry of the Interior.
3 – Ukrainians also have the right to buy real estate in Turkey, but it should not be located on the Black Sea coast and should be land for construction, housing or work place only.
These nationalities are prohibited from buying real estate in Turkey:
We have already mentioned that there are five nationalities that are prohibited from buying real estate in Turkey, which are (Syrian – Armenian – Cuban – North Korea – Cyprus). The following is a list of the reasons that prevent them from doing so:
1 – Why can’t a Syrian citizen buy real estate in Turkey?
The reason behind this ban is an old decision dating back to 1939 AD, after the Turkish government annexed the Iskenderun Brigade to it, and then the French Mandate government confiscated the Turkish properties located in Syria, and since that time, the dispute between the two countries continues.
It should be noted here that this does not mean that the Syrian can never buy real estate in Turkey, but that there are many ways and means that enable him to do so. Also, Turkish laws and regulations are likely to change during the coming period, so the presence of the citizens of the Syrian state in Turkey must affect new decisions.
2 – Reasons for preventing Cypriot citizenship from owning property in Turkey:
Cyprus citizens are also prevented from buying real estate in Turkey due to old disputes caused by the dispute between Greece and Turkey over Cyprus, and thus only Greek Cypriot citizens are prohibited, while Northern Cyprus citizens can buy real estate in Turkey without any conditions.
3 – The reasons that prevent North Korea from buying real estate in Turkey:
The reasons that prevented North Koreans from buying real estate in Turkey are the sanctions that have been imposed on them, and Turkey has complied with them. The same applies to citizens of the Cuban state.
4 – What prevents Armenian citizenship from buying real estate in Turkey:
The reason behind this is due to the unstable relations between Turkey and Armenia and it has an impact on the national security in Turkey.
The most important conditions for foreigners buying real estate in Turkey:
Before you search for real estate for sale in Turkey, you should familiarize yourself with the most important laws that must be adhered to, as follows:
– First, the property must not be located in a security or military area.
– A foreigner’s real estate property in Turkey cannot exceed 30 hectares.
– He may not own more than ten percent of the area of one region.
In this regard, we must direct you to some important notes that you must adhere to when buying a property in Turkey:
– Beware that there are restrictions and debts owed to the property, such as seizure or mortgage.
– Make sure that the specifications mentioned in the title deed of the property are the same as those on the ground.
– If you want to invest in real estate, you should choose vital locations close to important projects.
– Make sure to use a real estate company to get many facilities and advantages.
Learn about the advantages of buying real estate in Turkey:
For these reasons, many foreigners and people around the world seek to buy real estate in Turkey:
1 – You will get one of the most important types of residency in Turkey (real estate residency) of short duration, but it can be renewed annually.
2 – If the price of the property is 250 thousand dollars or more, you will obtain Turkish citizenship, which is one of the most important nationalities in the world.
3 – After you obtain Turkish citizenship, you can apply for a Turkish passport.
4 – An investor in Turkey can link his business in Turkey with those in other countries, thus enhancing his chances of obtaining greater profits.
5 – Real estate in Turkey is a distinguished investment that offers abundant profits as it can:
– Rent it for a special profit, especially in the tourist season.
– Real estate prices in Turkey are registering a clear rise, which allows the investor to resell them and achieve distinguished profits.
6 – Real estate prices in Turkey are moderate and suitable for everyone, in contrast to prices in Europe and some Arab countries.
7 – The cost of living in Turkey is also appropriate, and do not forget that you will get a different, upscale and exemplary lifestyle.
We at Hana Real Estate offer our clients many important services that help them find the right properties:
– We offer distinguished real estate tips and advice.
– We take you on field tours to visit the most important real estate projects to see the most important options.
– We are keen to provide you with real estate that suits your desires and matches your budgets.
– We help you obtain Turkish citizenship and obtain a real estate appraisal document.
– We offer you a lot of after-sales services and manage your properties in your absence.
In this article, we have informed you about the most important laws related to foreign ownership of real estate in Turkey. If there are more inquiries about this matter, you can contact us to provide you with adequate answers and also do not forget to visit our website to see all that is new.
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