Why choose real estate investment in Istanbul?

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One of the most preoccupations for many investors around the world is the issue of investing within the state of Turkey, so that the investor finds himself in front of a question that comes to his mind most of the time, which is, why did he choose real estate investment in Istanbul rather than other cities in the world?

This is what we will answer in the following lines, so follow us.

Reasons for real estate investment in Istanbul

There are many reasons that play a major role in investing in Istanbul, but it is clear to us that many investors around the world prefer the idea of ​​real estate investment in Turkey in general and Istanbul in particular, than other countries around the world, and this is what we will learn about:

Istanbul’s economy is a reason to invest in real estate:

There has been a remarkable economic development in Istanbul, and with the passage of time this economy grows and develops more and more, which leads to an increase in the domestic product three times what it was.

This assures us that Istanbul’s economy will make it an economically promising city in the future.

The geographical location is convenient and encourages investment

Turkey is one of the countries that does not place restrictions on investors, and this is what distinguishes Istanbul from other cities in Turkey, and thus real estate investment in Istanbul has become a promising opportunity for anyone looking for a unique opportunity to invest their money in the country of Turkey.

This has been since the Turkish government made some legal amendments, which prompted investors to practice their investment activity in Istanbul, especially in real estate investment

Developed infrastructure in Istanbul:

The city of Istanbul was able to modernize its infrastructure, which caused the development of transportation to a large extent, as well as it was interested in communications, due to its possession of several multiple facilities, the majority of them work in sea and land transportation at reduced costs, and transportation methods in Istanbul are characterized by the presence of railways which connects its two parts (Central and Eastern Europe), which made it an excellent city for investment on its land.

Istanbul strategic location:

Istanbul plays a huge investment role, due to the presence of the Bosphorus Bridge in it, as it links Asia and Europe, and is considered one of the reasons that made Istanbul a good investment opportunity, as it provides many infrastructure advantages by linking the continent of Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

Lower taxes on real estate:

Taxes were reduced in Istanbul, becoming less than they were before, after the Turkish government reduced taxes on real estate, giving them more room to make and get profits.

In addition to tax exemptions and incentives for some regions, this was with the aim of developing them as quickly as possible. In some cases, these reductions amount to partial or total exemption from income tax.

Advantages offered by the government to develop real estate

The Turkish government has recently taken an interest in the process of developing the real estate sector, and has made many priorities through comprehensive real estate campaigns.

The Turkish government, represented by the Turkish Head of State, has issued several important decisions to develop real estate companies in Turkey and launched several campaigns to promote real estate, The best of them was a campaign calling for the total amounts of apartments to be divided into 240 monthly installments!

After that, the interests were completely canceled, and the payments that were paid in advance, for those who owned in installments, before the decision was issued, and the percentage was withdrawn from 25% to 20%, and this was in implementation of the decisions issued by the President of the Republic.

The government was able to drop the value-added tax on foreigners while buying a property, and they had the right to enjoy residency in Istanbul in particular and Turkey in general, and for all family members.

The Turkish governments have also issued several new decisions, according to which the foreign investor, if he owns a property worth $ 400,000, is granted the right to obtain Turkish citizenship

The government has put in place several facilities and exemptions for investors, in order to increase foreign flows to the country, and among these facilities was the abolition of the value-added tax in Turkey, related to non-resident investors, and through this exemption, foreign investors were able to benefit from tax exemptions on Turkish lands.

Hence, Turkey was able to revive the real estate markets, and Istanbul swept its cities in terms of investment in it, and succeeded in attracting foreign investors to buy larger numbers of properties in it, and this is due to a series of decisions taken by the real estate sector, and the reductions it includes.

Advantages of the Turkish real estate market

The most important feature of the real estate market in Turkey has become one of the strongest emerging markets, It is the second most powerful market in the world, and Turkey has been able to occupy the fourth place among the top ten important investment sites around the world.

The main reason for this is due to the important infrastructure that Turkey possesses, and many facilities for foreigners wishing to invest, as well as Turkey’s geographical location on the world map, where it plays a major role in order to become the first destination for foreign investments.

Real estate investment in Istanbul

Istanbul is the first center for attracting investors, in which there are several important opportunities for investment and investors, and the majority are for foreign investors, as they are attracted by the elements of real estate investment in Istanbul.

 The city of Istanbul has recently witnessed huge growth and prosperity, It was a major reason for the high investment rates for real estate purchases located in Istanbul.

Distinguished opportunities for real estate investment in Istanbul

Istanbul enjoys from other cities of Turkey that it has a charming nature and a mild climate throughout the year, and the strength of the advanced infrastructure, in addition to schools and universities, and progress in the field of health, and also there are beautiful and wonderful areas, which make it the target of investors.

It allows the investor several different real estate options within the city, in addition to the strong competition between prices, which creates different offers for real estate.

It is also characterized by the diversity of real estate between commercial real estate, such as commercial offices, or residential real estate, and villas, apartments, or shops.

It should be mentioned that the permanent rise in the price of apartments in Istanbul is due to several main reasons, including the increasing foreign demand.

A future look at the real estate sector in Istanbul

There is a question that constantly arises, why do investors tend to invest in Turkey in general and Istanbul in particular?, and what is the main factor that makes Istanbul a good investment environment for those who wish to invest?

This is indicated by studies and reports interested in real estate investment, which confirmed that Turkey is one of the best investment destinations around the world.

As well as the Turkish economy, which ranks thirteenth, and is expected to become during the year 2050 the strongest economy in the world

Accordingly, the city of Istanbul has become one of the cities that attract investment within the state of Turkey, due to its features that distinguish it from other cities of Turkey, and thus we have answered your questions that revolve around the reasons that make you choose real estate investment in Istanbul? We hope to have informed you of the answers we have provided to you

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