All that matters to you about Emirati ownership in Turkey

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Studies have confirmed that investors are always looking for a safe place for their investments to flourish and provide them with the required returns. They also look to the state that offers them more facilities and stands by them more. Based on all the privileges offered by the Turkish state to foreign investors on its land, the number of Emiratis in Turkey has increased by a large level recently.

Below is a detailed and comprehensive report on everything related to Emiratis owning real estate in Turkey, and we will explain the most important reasons that prompted them to do so.

Emiratis buying real estate in Turkey:

The volume of trade exchange between Turkey and the Gulf countries in general has recorded large numbers during the last ten years, and this excessive activity of Gulf institutions on Turkish soil has contributed greatly to attract investors from the Gulf countries until they have become today among the most Arabs present in Turkey and they constitute 30% of the total volume Foreign investment in this country.

What are the reasons that prompted the Emiratis to own property in Turkey:

The rush of UAE businessmen and investors to Turkey was not in vain, but for many reasons, which we present to you in detail:

1 – You should know that the relationship between these two countries does not mean only political relations, but there are many other indications by which to judge, the most important of which is the volume of annual trade exchange.

2 – Turkey was the logical alternative to the countries of the Middle East, which are witnessing successive collapses at the economic, political and social levels, and insecurity.

3 – The geographical location that characterizes Turkey has contributed to attracting UAE investors, as Turkey is very close to the Arab world.

4 – The Turkish economy is one of the biggest incentives that encourages the foreigner to invest his money in Turkey, as it has been moving steadily for years until now, in addition to its dynamism and its ability to deal with crises such as the collapse of the value of the Turkish lira against foreign currencies and the Corona crisis and its ability to control it.

5 – During the last ten years, the Turkish government has provided many facilities and many laws have been amended, such as the abolition of the reciprocity law issued in 2012 AD, which served as the green light for investors that allowed them to enter Turkey from its widest doors.

6 – Amending the law on obtaining Turkish citizenship by buying a property in Turkey and reducing the required price from one million US dollars to two hundred and fifty thousand only.

7 – Among the government facilities provided by Turkey are tax cuts and granting real estate residence to the property owner and all members of his family. There are many projects that are guaranteed by the Turkish government.

8 – According to the Turkish Constitution, the purchase of real estate in Turkey exclusively must be in Turkish lira, and this greatly benefits the investor when he exchanges foreign currencies.

9 – Turkey is working on the construction of the most important mega projects that enhance the infrastructure and make it able to compete with the largest countries around the world. For example: Istanbul’s new airport was a qualitative leap in the history of Turkey, and despite the short period that has passed since its establishment, it is the first in the world in terms of area and among the first ten airports in the world in terms of efficiency.

10 – Turkey includes many promising real estate areas that are suitable for real estate investment, and the success of investing in them has been proven through all previous experiences.

Real estate investment methods in Turkey:

If you intend to invest in real estate in Turkey, know that you will be in front of 6 ways to invest. You can choose the method that suits you and achieve your ambitions.

1 – Buying and renting a property:

This method is one of the most common investment ideas in Turkey at all. It is possible to buy a property and then offer it for rent and get distinguished monthly returns. What confirms the success of this method of investment is that:

– Turkey is witnessing a high population density, and all of them need a place to live and stay.

– There is a large foreign influx in Turkey annually.

– Turkey is a destination for tourists from all over the world.

– It has developed on the medical level to become a destination for medical tourism.

2 – Buying and reselling real estate:

You may be wondering if this method of investing really works or not? When it is successful, all evidence confirms its success. Real estate prices in Turkey are constantly rising.

In order to get an abundant profit, you should choose a strategic location for the apartment, such as public transportation lines, malls, or service facilities such as schools and universities.

3 – Buying a land in Turkey:

Buying land in Turkey for investment is one of the most profitable ideas ever, and it has been very popular, as it brings a lot of financial returns to its owners because the prices of villas are constantly rising, and their space can be used in a way that implements different ideas.

4 – Buying commercial real estate:

It is one of the most distinguished and successful real estate investment ideas and offers high profits. Investors of this type of real estate are advised to choose lively and active places and stay away from the remote and far from the city center, as they must be close to public transportation networks.

5 – Buying student housing apartments:

Day by day, the influx of foreign students to Turkey is increasing, who aim to study and enroll in its universities. Therefore, these students need suitable places to live and settle. From there, the idea of ​​student housing was launched, and many real estate investors prefer to invest in it, especially during the school seasons, the profits are high.

6 –  Buying hotel apartments:

As for this type of apartments, it is suitable for owners of high budgets because the price is very high and may not suit different budgets. If you are asking about the importance of investing in it, it is definitely a golden opportunity and a wonderful experience in a country like Turkey, where tourists flock in huge numbers every year, as it ranks sixth as a global tourist destination.

The number of properties that Emiratis are allowed to own in Turkey:

According to the Turkish Constitution, foreigners in general are not entitled to own more than thirty hectares in various Turkish cities, and they cannot own more than ten percent of the area of ​​one region.

The buyer must make sure that the area in which the property is located is not security or military, so one of the conditions for buying a property in Turkey is to obtain a security approval.

According to many reports on this subject, Emirati investments in Turkey are constantly increasing, and in 2020 their volume reached nearly 19 billion dirhams.

We offer you a lot of distinguished real estate offers in Istanbul. Just contact us so that we can inform you about the latest developments in this market and in order to offer you the appropriate investment opportunity.

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