Obtaining real estate residence by buying apartments in Turkey

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Due to the desire of many foreigners and Arabs to settle and permanently reside in Turkey in a legal manner without being violated, the Turkish government has provided them with many means and methods that enable them to do so by obtaining one of the types of residence permits.

Real estate residency in Turkey is one of the most important and most popular types of residency at all, due to its ease of obtaining first and the possibility of renewal secondly, in addition to the huge range of privileges that can be obtained.

In this article, the editorial team at Hana Real Estate will inform you about everything related to this topic. If this interests you, you can follow up with us.

How to obtain real estate residence in Turkey?

Although obtaining this residence is very easy, this does not negate the existence of some conditions that must be met, which are as follows.

– The property value must be at least $75,000.

– Not to be in a security or military area where foreigners are prohibited from owning property in those areas.

– The property must be specifically designated for housing.

– The foreigner must not hold the nationality of one of the countries prohibited from owning property in Turkey.

– Real estate appraisal report to verify the value of the property.

What is meant by real estate residence in Turkey?

Real estate residency is one of the most important residencies in Turkey, as we mentioned above. It is short-term, valid for one year only, but it can be renewed annually as long as the foreigner owns the property, as this is not a problem at all.

It is worth noting an important matter, which is that whoever owns any type of non-residential real estate in Turkey will not be able to apply for such residency, such as commercial, tourist, agricultural, and other properties.

There are no other conditions that the property must meet in terms of size, specifications or other details.

The importance of obtaining real estate residency:

Certainly, the choice of foreigners to obtain this residence was a natural result of the large number of privileges that can be obtained, and through the next paragraph we will refer to them in full.

– Moving between the Turkish states with complete comfort and without the need to extract a travel permit.

– Traveling outside and back to Turkey without having to obtain a visa.

– Benefit from medical services and receive treatment at appropriate fees and costs.

– Children can attend public and private schools and universities.

– After the lapse of eight years, it is possible to apply and obtain permanent residence.

– If the value of the property is four hundred thousand US dollars or more, you can apply for citizenship.

In general, this residence is a legal way to stay in Turkey, and many foreigners want this because of its great development in its public facilities, services and entertainment venues.

Documents required to apply for residence in Turkey:

There are many documents and papers that must be prepared to obtain a real estate residence permit through the purchase of apartments in Turkey, and they are as follows.

– The investment must be filled out with the required information and personal data.

– Signing the form after completing it by the concerned person or his representative.

– Buyer’s Turkish passport.

– The tax number can be obtained within a few minutes from the tax department.

– Personal Photos.

– Valid health insurance.

– Earthquake insurance policy.

Important notes when extracting a real estate residence permit:

There are many observations that must be taken into account when obtaining a real estate residence permit in Turkey, and we were keen to refer to them through the following paragraph.

– The passport must be valid for at least six months.

– Residency extraction fees must be paid in Turkish Lira.

– If all family members are to apply, each person must submit a separate file.

– In the event that the applicant is under the legal age, the consent of his parents must be obtained.

– Make sure you receive a stamped receipt of the fees paid.

In this regard, it must be noted that if it is discovered by the concerned authorities that there is any deficiency or defect in the submitted papers, the concerned person will be notified in order to remedy the deficiency within a maximum period of thirty days.

The importance of buying apartments in Turkey:

In your opinion, is the desire to obtain real estate residence only what drives foreigners to search for apartments for sale in Turkey? Certainly not, as there are many other goals and additional privileges that supported their decision to own real estate in Turkey, and through the following paragraph we will indicate the most prominent of them.

1 – Real estate prices in Turkey are very distinctive and appropriate, while the same specifications and features cannot be obtained if you are buying an apartment in one of the European countries where real estate prices are generally high.

2 – The real estate market in Turkey is witnessing a lot of distinguished diversity that suits and agrees with different budgets and tastes.

3 – The Turkish government provided an important set of facilities that encouraged the foreigner to go to Turkey without any other country in the world, most notably:

– Exemption from the value added tax upon first time ownership.

– Continue the tax cuts.

– The real estate appraisal document that controls real estate prices.

– Ease of real estate ownership procedures.

4 – A great opportunity for real estate investment. There are many factors that indicate the importance of this type of investment in Turkey, the most important of which are:

– Real estate prices are constantly rising.

– Great demand for the purchase of real estate.

– High population density.

– Tremendous tourist seasons.

– Provides a lot of modern real estate offers.

A large group of people are seeking to obtain real estate residency by buying apartments in Turkey, and for this we talked briefly about the matter in this article, and for more details, you can follow our website continuously to be informed of all that is new.


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