Earthquake insurance policy in Turkey

Earthquake insurance policy in Turkey

جدول المحتويات

In this article, we explain what is an earthquake insurance policy in Turkey,
and what is the benefit of it.

Turkey is a region located within seismic
lines, and this is what exposes it almost continuously to multiple types of earthquakes.

This prompted the Turkish government to resort to precautionary measures to
prevent the risk of earthquakes.

 What is the earthquake insurance policy in Turkey?

It is a mandatory document called “DASK” or “SIGORTA DEPRAM”, which is
required in many legal transactions.

 In particular, in transactions of buying and selling real estate in Turkey, it is
granted by the Natural Disaster Foundation,

It is not allowed to establish any facility without the presence of this paper in the
real estate file in Turkey, as it is an essential procedure that must be taken

Anyone who wants to buy or sell an apartment in Istanbul, in order to ensure
that the property is earthquake-resistant and meets the standards of the Turkish government.

It serves as a mandatory guarantee for the purpose of material compensation
for the owners of apartments and buildings that have been subjected to a disaster

Natural disasters such as hurricanes and fires as well, as compensation is not
limited to earthquake damage only.

Obliging the Turkish state for construction companies to follow international standards in building earthquake-resistant structures.

After the Marmara earthquake occurred in 1999, the Turkish government worked to address earthquakes as a basic priority when constructing any building or facility, and therefore it obligated construction companies in the first place to follow international standards by building structures with a strong interconnected mass, and it also demolished weak real estate to ward off any danger, and it was approved  Certain specifications in 2007 to make the facilities resistant to earthquakes in Turkey, such as the dimensions of the structural elements and bridges, and the engineering companies conduct studies on the soil and materials used for construction with the aim of making them bear the maximum intensity of the tremors, and the building as a whole is designed in a way that enables it to maintain the balance of its mass from the inside and outside.

The buildings that the Turkish state requires construction companies to design can be considered one of the strongest buildings in the world, as they are characterized as a cohesive block that does not disintegrate due to an earthquake due to the strength of the buildings’ joints and of course their ability to absorb seismic pressure and thus mitigate damages resulting from shocks.

Certainly, it is necessary to emphasize the most important stage, which is monitoring and supervising the implementation and ensuring that the building fully complies with the appropriate technical specifications to resist earthquakes.

 What are the papers required to obtain an earthquake insurance paper?

 The following papers are required from you:

  1. A copy of the real estate appraisal document, and you can easily obtain it with the help of a specialized real estate company. Of course, we in the “Hana” company can help you and give it to you. The details of the property are written from a space or other information.
  2. A photocopy of the ID or passport of the owner of the property, translated into Turkish.
  3. The tax number document, which is extracted from the tax department.
  4. Two personal photos.

 Is it safe to buy a property in Istanbul?

Because of the strict measures taken by the Turkish government, including approved specifications for establishing earthquake-resistant projects in cooperation with the “AFAD” organization, which is an organization concerned with dealing with natural disasters, as it cooperates with the government by providing assistance to those affected, and focuses on confronting disasters mainly before they occur in an attempt to avoid damage.  As much as possible.

And as soon as an emergency happens, all parties join forces and compensate for all the damages that occurred.

Real estate investment in Istanbul

Perhaps natural disasters such as earthquakes are a tax on the beauty of nature and the tourist and heritage places in Turkey. All economic and investment experts classify Turkey as a fertile environment for making many investments, especially those that fall within the scope of real estate investment, not only for economic and tourism development, but also for the tax facilities that the government operates.  Turkey for its submission, as it offers Turkish nationality, which is classified among the best nationalities in the world, and nationality enjoys many advantages that we have already mentioned in previous articles, just as investing in Istanbul provides a good investment return.

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